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2:59 PM
Undine (2020) English subtitles







Undine works as a historian lecturing on Berlin's urban development. But when the man she loves leaves her, the ancient myth catches up with her. Undine has to kill the man who betrays her and return to the water.(24 December 2020 Greece)





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INFO: Σε περίπτωση που η ταινία σας κολλάει πατήστε pause (παύση) για 2 με 5 λεπτά το πολύ, ώστε να φορτώσει.

In case your movie is stuck press pause for 5 minutes in order for it to load.


Views: 144 | Added by: txrusos | Tags: Romance, Drama, Fantasy | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0